Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On Running and Shoes

So I just finished Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and I am struggling to balance my experience with the new information contained in this book - totally read it.

I agree that barefoot is best. If I still inhabited the northern woods and lakes of Minnesota I would only have flipflops (for going to the store) and winter boots (a survival thing). My feet would be covered in pine pitch and fresh as a spring daisy.

But NYC is dirty and really gross. So I wear shoes. I practice martial arts barefoot on old, unforgiving hardwood floors. I leave my shoes at the door of my home. I still drive barefoot when I can get away with it. I am lucky. I grew up running around on gravel roads- shoes were for going to town only. I have those muscles, that arch still. 10 years in NYC has lowered it a bit and my tootsies are far more tender to barefooting the outdoors.

So what does that all mean for you? Tender feet should get some cushin and do their little feety exercises to strengthen the atrophied, neglected group of 20 muscles in each foot so that some days you can chase your kids across the lawn without stopping to lace up. So that in time you can wear those cute lightweight sneakers everyone is selling. So that with a little work you can buff up those puny muscles to protect your delicate dogs from injury. It can be done.

Step one- get some marbles, drop them on the floor and pick them up with your toes. Take off your shoes when you get home. Walk on the earth- soul to sole as much possible.

We aren't all ready to toss our cushy trainers for the vibram 5 fingers. But we were all born to be. Isn't that what we are all searching for in life? The innocence and abandon of a 6 yr old playing in the grass with the whole block. Zooming around free of intellectual burdens and emotional baggage, even if just for an hour.


Unknown said...

I struggle not just with shoes vs no shoes, but with good sensible flat shoes vs ridiculous high cute shoes. I know I'm mistreating my feet but I can't give up the pretty heels. I'll try the marble exercise, that's a good idea -- try to counter the damage a little...

Anastasia Hall, MS, LAc said...

Many women I see wear these nothing shoes with no support and I cringe. If you have strong ankles and muscled arches, knock yourself out. If you don't you are the majority and you will be so much better cared for by some funky trainers or anything but those evil slippers. The pain you are preventing is worth it especially for non-athletes. Please! I will help you shop. I swear. your feet and knees thank you.